Best Industrial Ice Tips for Keeping Fish Fresh and Extending Shelf Life
The fishing industry is always looking for ways to keep their catch fresh and extend the shelf life of their products. Industrial ice is one of the most effective methods of preserving fish and extending its shelf life. Industrial ice is a reliable and cost-effective solution for the fishing industry and is used in many different ways to keep fish fresh. In this blog, we'll discuss the benefits of industrial ice and how it can help to extend the shelf life of fish. 

The fishing industry has always been one of the most important sources of food, providing people with a reliable source of seafood. However, keeping fish fresh and extending its shelf life can be difficult. Industrial ice is one of the most effective methods of preserving fish and extending its shelf life

Industrial ice is a reliable and cost-effective solution for the fishing industry and is used in many different ways to keep fish fresh. It is most commonly used when fishing vessels bring in their catch, where it is used to cool down the fish and keep them fresh. The ice also helps to reduce both bacteria and fungi which can lead to spoilage. 
Industrial ice is also used to pack and store fish, helping to keep them fresh for longer. The ice is used to create an insulated environment, which helps to keep the fish at a constant temperature. This can help to extend the shelf life of the fish, as it prevents spoilage and bacteria growth. 

Industrial ice can also be used as a form of transportation for fish. It can be used to ship fish from one part of the world to another, helping to ensure that the fish arrives at its destination in the freshest condition possible. The ice helps to keep the fish cool during transit, reducing the risk of spoilage and bacteria growth.
Finally, industrial ice is also used for processing fish. Many fish processing plants use industrial ice to ensure that the fish is processed correctly and efficiently. The ice helps to keep the fish cold, reducing the risk of bacteria growth. It also helps to keep the fish from spoiling, which is essential for long-term storage. 

Now let's explore what type of ice is best and why. Flake ice for fish cooling is the ideal choice. When it comes to cooling fish, Flake ice for fish cooling is the ideal choice for fishermen, fishmongers, and fish processors. Flake ice is a soft, light form of ice that is produced from the freezing of water on a flat surface. This type of ice has many advantages over other types of ice, such as block or cube ice, making it a preferred choice for cooling fish. 

Image from: Genemco

Flake ice is a great choice for cooling fish because it has a high cooling capacity. It has a much higher cooling capacity than block or cube ice because it is made up of small particles that are in contact with the air and provide a larger surface area for cooling. This makes it much more efficient at cooling fish than cube or block ice

Flake ice also melts more quickly than other types of ice, which is important when it comes to cooling fish. When fish is caught, it needs to be cooled as soon as possible to prevent spoilage and to ensure that it is safe for consumption. Flake ice melts much faster than other types of ice, which means it can cool fish much more quickly. 

In addition to cooling fish quickly and efficiently, flake ice also has a low rate of water absorption. This is important because it means that when the ice melts, it does not absorb the water from the fish, which can cause problems with spoilage. This makes flake ice the ideal choice for cooling fish. 

Flake ice is also a great choice for fish processors because it does not cause any damage to the fish. Flake ice is made up of small, lightweight particles that do not damage the delicate flesh of the fish. This makes it a great choice for fish processors who need to maintain the quality of their product. 

Finally, flake ice is also a great choice for fishermen and fishmongers because it is easy to transport and store. Flake ice is lightweight and can be transported in large quantities, which makes it a great choice for fishing boats and fishmongers who need to transport their fish. It is also easy to store in large containers, which makes it easy to keep a supply of flake ice on hand for when it is needed. 

Image from: Genemco

Overall, industrial ice is an essential tool for the fishing industry and flake ice is the ideal choice for cooling fish. Ice helps to keep the fish fresh and safe, reducing the risk of spoilage and bacteria growth. This can help to extend the shelf life of the fish, ensuring that it remains safe to eat and enjoyable to consume. As mentioned previously, flake ice has a high cooling capacity, melts quickly, has a low rate of water absorption, does not damage the fish, and is easy to transport and store. For all these reasons, flake ice for fish cooling is the ideal choice for fishermen, fishmongers, and fish processors to prevent fish and seafood from spoiling because of its uniform cooling. It is especially important on fishing vessels when the catch is made.

Genemco is a leader in the used industrial refrigeration and food processing equipment industry and carries a variety of industrial ice makers including flake ice machines. Genemco ships globally and will save you time and money. With Genemco you can count on your fish not spoiling as well as your budget!