Hansen Technologies Auto Purger

Hansen Technologies Auto Purger

Hansen Technologies AP08 Auto Purger. Model: AP08. Number of purge points: 8. Power requirements: 120 V, 60 Hz, 3 amps. Evaporator Chamber. Receiver - 1.5 Gallon, straight-wall dimensions: 5 in. dia. x 1 ft. 8 in. The Auto-Purger features automatic startup with electronic controls, automatic water bubbler, relief valve, and an isolation service valve. This unit quickly and efficiently removes air from a refrigeration system which reduces the energy costs of operating an ammonia refrigeration system. Includes. Inlets: (1) ½ in. water line, (1) ½ in. gas line, (1) ½ in. high pressure liquid line. Outlets: (1) ¾ in. suction line, (1) 1 in. drain line. Overall dimensions: 3 ft. 1/2 in. L x 1 ft. 10 in. W x 3 ft. 9 ½ in. H.(ACN114).

Product Details

  • Stock No: PCNY014
  • Manufacturer: Hansen Technologies
  • Model: AP08
  • Serial Number: S4224

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Hansen Technologies Auto Purger

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