Lyco Mfg, Inc. Stainless Steel Screener

Lyco Mfg, Inc. Stainless Steel Screener

Lyco Mfg, Inc. Stainless Steel Stationary Screener. S/N: STS020019687-9. STS 36 in. 0.060. 020006-372. Designed for removing water from product streams. Unit width: 36 in. Screen opening: 0.060 in. Capable of 330 gallons per minute flow. Common sanitary applications include screening peas, beans, corn, potatoes, snack foods, etc. Unit is also commonly used in wastewater applications for vegetables and meats. Low maintenance with no moving parts. Estimated weight: 350 lbs.

Product Details

  • Stock No: TSRC204
  • Manufacturer: Lyco Mfg. Inc.
  • Serial Number: STS020019687-9

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Lyco Mfg, Inc. Stainless Steel Screener

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