Wiegand/Niro 6-Effect Evaporator with Flash Cooler/Polisher

Wiegand/Niro 6-Effect Evaporator with Flash Cooler/Polisher

Wiegand/Niro 6-Effect Evaporator with Flash Cooler/Polisher. Input: 5.5% Total Solids at 60,000 lb../hr. - Output: 50% Total Solids at 6,600 lb../hr. 1999 GEA/Niro Update Includes: New Thermal Vapor Recompression System 2003 Update Includes: Allen Bradley SLC 500 PLC ProgRam Industriesmable Controller with Panelview 1000 Touch Screen Display, (2) Anderson AV 9000 & AJ-300 Recorders

Product Details

  • Stock No: HD-SC188.600
  • Manufacturer: Wiegand/Niro
  • Serial Number: 893833

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Wiegand/Niro 6-Effect Evaporator with Flash Cooler/Polisher

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